Amor omnibus idem

Orlando was a man very passional and more easily for love, in fact he fallen in love often, he was so, a great soul and great heart; he was always ready for new love, and he was always faithful until he must consider that his love was alone a empty exercise, because woman whom he loved would alone courted, like much women, this is women that want take but don’t give nothing; for this condition Orlando became immediately cold as ice, in his soul feels disappeared soon, he forgotten all love and he felt alone indifference, therefore without feel considered alone that he must make and not other. Orlando kept a diary, only friend, or at last that he considered so. His work was in finance, investment and market, he was a business man, and was very clever and estimated for his job and his intelligence; one can think to man that considers alone money and strategy but Orlando, was first a man and, unfortunately, a man with a sense much developed of love; he was married but his wife was died, and he was deeply warry for this episode; and for this diary he tool to his wife, Angelica all event during day, also when he was failed in love with woman. And in office where he was dean, a new secretary was assumed; the woman, because Delia, this was her name, was older than Orlando, at last then years, 54, she was very beautiful and very elegant, always much polite but always serious, or at last this was her expression; when Orlando knew Delia, has a very good impression, he noted elegance and the beautifulness but he was indifferent; just, because Orlando was so, something stroke him, but he was indifferent, alone when this particular became interesting for him, then he considered that that woman was very beautiful; he was usually failed in love with actress in movies; he naturally doesn’t refuse physical show, he was always a man, and attraction was natural, but he considered that a man must respect a woman and love her, man must court woman, but without abuse of power, he could make it, but was very distant from this behavior, he prefer not to love rather that love with this violence; a true chevalier, certainly more sentimental. Delia then started went in his soul, he called when he needs, and often while he was phoned, and then he suggested with finger and other signs what, and Delia made all with true professional work. A day Orlando went out office, and get over writing desk of Delia, stopped him and asked: “Do you want a coffee Delia?”, Delia was very stroke by this ask because she not though that Orlando was so polite, much employers have judged him as a carrion, but Delia, who was very tire, for her instinct asked positively, and Orlando turned walked until a bar below his office, in fact he went back to office with coffee for Delia, all with much astonishment of employers, and Orlando, who has noted this astonishment, ordered that who would can take a coffee and he would bayed; employers were very astonish but gone to bar. Orlando understood that in his soul something was happened, he continued with his job but his think often was turned to Delia, and his imagination, male imagination, shew imagines, very romantic, although not always very well, he imagined a passional love, that he felt alone with Angelica, his wife; then Orlando searched always, in conformity with his costume, to distinguish his soul by word of business. For that day he had some suspect that something will happen, but he considered that this was alone one his think, petty think; and when Delia knocked to door for informed that she went out, he looked her and smiled for his think. When Orlando was at home, he lived alone; in conformity with his costume he opened his diary and started to write, and in conformity with costume, on white page, at other side, somebody wrote answered, and he read answered, this anonymous writer was Angelica, who for to end every discourse signed his texts, with her name, Angelica. Orlando tool around Delia and business of day, and he confessed also that he has felt a feel for this new secretary, but she was very professional because hasn’t considered him and his rule; but Angelica answered: “Neither I considered you, but after I have married you, then when a woman not considered a man that loves her, the woman makes it alone because wants knows how his lovers loves her, and how he wants gives, and where he will arrive; women, differently by men, must considered all, because every lovers can be right man, but a woman wants knows how he is right, because she will give her life, therefore you must be worry when she will be very next to you, and if she approached soon to you, because it means that she wants something and not, certainly, you”, Orlando though this consideration of Angelica, and in fact he wrote: “What do I must make?” and Angelica: “You must be strong and determined, as you have made with me; you must look her, but without insistence, alone some looks, and comment alone with yourself, make all so that she understand that you have indeed estimate her cloth and dresses, a woman is very grateful when a man consider her style; you have made it with me, then women as men are equal among them”. Orlando therefore made how Angelica has suggested, and Delia seemed appreciated these attention and interest of Orlando, he even send her some letters, and she read with very interesting; some time she was embarrassed for this attention and cure, but was also proud, because somebody considered her as a woman and not secretary; Orlando, in conformity with advises of Angelica, not wasn’t insistent, but more clear for this interest; during first time all seems grateful for Orlando, Angelica has advised him that men are always manage make illusions, like women, but in men is mechanical while women are much attentive; Orlando believed sometime this advises but after he followed his instinct, and loved crazily Delia also with gift and letters, and he tool all to Angelica in his diary; and Angelica answered: “If you have learned something for our report you, now, know that a woman if accepts a gift it means that she want your court but you don’t must exaggerate, as your costume, if you have gifted a book, she must inform you that the book she is reading it, some comment which she will make around this book, but you not will must asked nothing; a book around love is very serious sign, and if she hasn’t understood your feel, it means that she is a idiot or, worse, she wants alone to take all but not to give nothing”, and Orlando: “What I must make?”, and Angelica: “You must continue to love Delia, so that when you will understand that she wants alone to take but not certainly to give, then, and alone then, you will be disappoint and you must worry, very deeply for this disappoint, because next time you will know whom selected for your love, an example, do you set a hand on fire?”, and Orlando answered: “Not certainly!” and Angelica: “Why?”, and Orlando: “Because I would born oneself”, and Angelica: “Then you know that your hand on the fire is pain for you”, and Orlando: Yes, certainly!”, and Angelica: “It is result of experience, but only me you have married and loved with intensity, therefore I aren’t Delia, and every woman has her character, then you know alone me, and you consider me as Delia, but it isn’t possible, because I am different, I respect feel of man, Delia not!”, Orlando then asked: “How do you know it?”, and Angelica: “I know it because know women, and I think as a woman, and feel as a woman, and I still love you, it motive I advise you that you must continue to love hers because you must make experience and worry a time for ovoid a second time, as hand on fire”. In fact Orlando continued to love Delia that has behavior very unpolite, she shown indifference and casted his letters, until she given back, two months after, the gifts. Orlando was very disappointed, and therefore, his soul was, he refused with himself love and refused Delia, and he felt that his love is ending day by day, while Delia has changed job and city, and he has forgotten her. After six moths he continued to write on diary, and a night, a Saturday, he remembered with Angelica all and on front page shown text: “I have understood your love, but I haven’t understood his intensity, and now I write it because I want that all woman know that when a man loves, woman must consider what is love and intensity and consider what is possibility for a family; but a woman not must absolutely take alone because after will be alone ever, and I can write this text because I have experience, and I am alone ever" signed Delia.

Alessandro Lusana                  


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