Impersonal Camus

Albert Camus(1913-1960), a French writer born in Drean Algery, has been very prolific writer and his characteristic is impersonal narration of events and, in fact he tells that happen but through very little references to protagonist, he describes nature, land and very much condition, but never personal, never to his protagonist, also title of his stories is impersonal, we are going to know very little or nothing  of these men and women, he has describes through reference the bodily and expressions, he is very synthetic on contrary about nature and lands he describes through major particulars, although synthetic, tree and other, regard a chosen of a tomb so he describes it: “In the cemetery of hers city has expired a license, on this land proprietaries has erected a tomb very sumptuous, of black marble a very much well…”, he has terminated this argument through very concise description, and after nothing. Other digressions during telling are present and it are very useless to tell: “The courage is to keep eyes to light and on death…”, these are very deviations very frequent and I think that these are useless, because nothing to tell. It is more evident than other during read of The wedding where author is more impersonal and now he uses alone imagines and references very negligible, a history isn’t, personages aren’t and everything is kept on a tell very boring.

Alessandro Lusana     


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