Daily Heraclitism

Heraclitus(535-475 b.Ch) is a philosopher that has adopted speculative philosophy, and he has said a truth that is obvious but we doesn’t think never because is simple and certain; an example, when we think some personal biographical episode or we consider some historical episode we think and use with Heraclitism, if we consider some moment past, for example five minutes ago, we use Heraclitus; also future time is Heraclitism, because that time is going to happen, then it is future and no certainly now, then it isn’t Heraclitism, because it is going to be, but now it has had happened, that is future, but after five minutes or a century it is happened, then it is Heraclitus; and we study this time with contest, that is moral, behavior, artistic, literature, clothing, scientific documents. We consider our time to aging and growth, then we consider that we are old in confront of young and child, then we are Heracliteans. I know that one could judge as obvious, certainly, it is obvious, but nobody before Heraclitus has said it. The study of history is Heracliticism, also future is time then intended to past; we are Heracliteans every day and every moment of our life. When we forgotten something we say: “I have forgotten it”, but this moment is past then Heraclitus sees us; and when we make that we must didn’t forgotten it is likewise Heraclitism, because moment when we make it is intended to past; when we consider that we has made some thing, and we says: “I have made it”, the perfect time, made, is Heracliteans, and also when we say I will make it, it is Heracliteans, because before that we have made, we can say it is past, then Heracliteans.

Alessandro Lusana    





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