Perimeter suggestions: Giunta Pisano

The name of Giunta from Capitino, called Giunta Pisano (1190-1200-1260), certainly sais very little; because he is a very little known Italian painter that has changed conception and think about space and architectural structures(Figg.1-2), and certainly he has suggested to Giotto valid ideas for his new paint, and certainly Giotto has seen works of Giunta and he took how it was necessary to Assisi. We can take and consider some works of Giunta because he has took these examples regard architectures to paints of Assisi(Figg.3-6), but he didn’t lease byzantine style(Figg.7-8); but important note that we must consider is above all that architecture is changed, and new space is present  in painting, and this new space born with Giunta Pisano, we must consider that the master of Giotto, Giovanni Cimabue, was to Pisa and he seen Giunta and new perimeters, then he could suggest to Giotto these new ideas regard paint of architectures, and Giotto could seen Giunta and his works in Pisa, and distance from Pisa and Firenze was 51 miles, then Giotto could gone to Pisa may to follow his master Cimabue and he could seen Giunta and after improve that architectures in Assisi. Then he has suggested to Giotto his architectures and I think also form of figures. He for costumer have to change style to will of costumer then, now is byzantine and after plastic to human figure too, the form of Saint Francis(Fig.7) show this characteristic, he is very plastic comparison to a Crucifix(Fig.8), that follows byzantine style.  But the presence Giunta’s in Assisi has determined an interest very alive as marked also by Luciano Bellosi(Cimabue, p.158) “The presence of Giunta Pisano in Assisi in the 1230s had a vast echo in Umbria”

 Alessandro Lusana 

Fig. 1







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