Gain and theory

During the read of Treatedof painter and sculture of Pietro Berrettini, called da Cortona, we can consider that this treated is a true moral document for painters and sculptor, because he condems use of imagines for nude representations, womans nude and other anatomical of body that in picture he refuses and considers obscene; we can think this book a tipical think of Catholic Reform, although he written this book is edited at 1652, we are very distant from tension moral after Concil of Trento, but Cortona was very near to Gesuitic order, in fact this treated is written with a gesuit; and we can justify this moral conception because Cortona was very Catholic, but alone when this moral tension was theory alone; in fact it is sufficient see some painters of Cortona and we canconsider that this moralism is lost, for examples The golden age(fig.1), eleven figures and much are nude, inclusive womans, other painter Cupido and Pan(fig.2) two nude figures, and Allegory of arts(fig.3), a nude woman figure is very present. Motive of this  contradiction is for gain and will of costumer, this is who pays is master then you paint that I want; then ideal tension is alone theorical; contraddiction is very much evident for a step of this treated and painter of Cortona, but we can consider theory and practical think, in fact Cortona said: “When they(costumers) order lascivious and dishonest we can obey, becausewe must consider respect for our soul than to indulge other ‘pleasure”, and regard to copy paints that are lascivious he said: “The painter must copy paints that are perfect and both style and moral”, very right we can comment, but Cortona has copied the Galatea of Raffaello and she is naked(fig.4); then Cortona has judged very well but he has worked very wrong.

Alessandro Lusana










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