Athens school
A young student entered
to a library, very great and provided of very much books that were among
diverse matters, literature, history, philosophy and other. He has had lived in
a school of philosophies, and he dreamed it always; then he asked to a employee
where was philosophy, and librarian indicated direction; in fact between two
racks he entered and he seen to back a guy, that called him and invited him to
follow. Constantine it was name of student thought that he was an employee, and
he followed him that turned among books, and sometime took one and he open it
and read some line, then he stopped herself and during a stop, he called
Constantine and indicated on a open book a line to ancient Greek language. This
man had beard and a longe tunic, ended read he said: “Do you know this book?”,
then Robert, lover of philosophy, answered: “Yes, it is Nicomachean etics” and
old man asked: “Do you have read it?”, and Constantine answered: “Yes, I have
read and I love it”, then old man looked eyes of Constantine and asked: “What
says this book?”, and Constantine that in the meantime had riconized this old
man, answered: “Do you asking to me what is matter of this book? You have
written on 4th century before Ch., the you must say what says this book”, and
old man, this is Aristoteles answered: “I have written it but you have read”,
Constantine then was getting ready to answer, when a voice to back said: “This
is different thing, read and write”, Constantine then turned immediately and he
looked a man with average hightness and with white beard, and Constantine riconized
Socrates and asked: “Why do you say it?” and Socrates: “When do you write read
also?”, Constantine answered: “No certainly”, and Socrates: “Why?”, and
Constantine answered: “Because if I read could not give attention to my to write,
and concepts that I want say could not be claer”, and Socrates asked: “Who?”,
and Constantine: “First to me” and Socrates asked: “Then, you must write and
after read, or no?”, Constantine answered: “Certainly”, and Socrates said: “This
is natural dinamic and this is actus and potens, or, according to
opinion of Aristoteles it is?” he asked to Constantine: “Intention and thing”,
and Socrates: “Yes, very well”, Constantine lower his head and when he raised
it he looked his dress that was become a tunic and he cry scared and asked to a
reader that has took a book: “Where is my dress?” and other voice, of
Aristoteles, said: “It is useless, because they can’t hear you”, and he looked
around and and asked: “Where are I?”, and Euclid approached to him and said: “Welcome
Constantine, we has had waited you for much time, but now you are among us”,
and Constantine very scared answered: “Thank you butwho is thet portrait in
librray?”, and Epicurus that has heard question answered: “You are, and you
must explain now to that student what you has written in your book, then come
to library and after we are going discuss about atom and other”, then
Constantine set in front of student, very angry and student raised eyes and
looked Constantine and student asked: “You are gping explain what is this
concept”, and Constantine explained it, and student got up and said: “I want a
cola”, and Constantine said: “You know that cola is very strong for you”, and
student: “I know perfeclty but cola is minimun for this book, because you have
written very difficult concepts, and your wife, this is my mother, was right,
you are difficult.
Alessandro Lusana
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