Eclecticism best method?

This essay looks about philosophical method that I think fit to interpretation everything or at last most of phenomenology, that is around us. I am convinced supporter of eclecticism, this is every method is opportune to interpreter; we can think reality for different philosophical think, we can think to Socrates and his  maieutic method, so that they can find their trust, or skepticism of Carneades or Phyrro; then I judge history of art for single artist, for economical richness and, above all, for costumer. I think that this method is perfect for interpretation of reality, because every phenomenology has explication and we can use every method of philosophy then think and to interpret the reality, it’s cultural or other nature; for example, we can think a behavior of man of our friend to Attualismo, this is philosophical current of Giovanni Gentile, that says: “That I am now I not was a minute ago”, and we must consider also the psychologist science, that is, for me, bet method for interpretation of this sudden change. But we can use also philosophical think. The interpretation of reality we can use the speculative think of Aristoteles or Idealism of Hegel, the Platonism or all together; because the eclecticism takes everything and can explain everything for a philosophical method, economic, cultural and human. We can think everything for every think and we can consider human reality or metaphysical and to use every think that we consider fit to interpretation. Then I think that is useless use a current to think because this think could not give answers, then we can think other current, and this is eclecticism.

Alessandro Lusana  



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