Past and future

A man was arrested by policemen and brought him to police department, he seen around and, above all he seen cloth of policemen and other persons, he seen policemen, junkies, pusher and other; but he seen whit much interest. Policeman brought him to interview room, and he seen with very much black astonishment a policeman, and this policeman was astonish because it seems that this arrested didn’t see a black. Inspector given some questions: “Are you from?” and arrested answered: “Sparta”, and inspector tough that this city was in Tennessee, and he asked again: “Where do you live?”, and arrested answered: “To my home to Sparta”, and he continuously seen around, then inspector: “Hi mate, you all right?”, and arrested: “This is strange town, where are we here?”, and inspector: “You are in police department, and we are policemen”, and arrested: “Are you Spartited?”, inspector seen other policeman and: “What’s your name?” and arrested: “Leonidas, king of Sparta”. Inspector seen astonish policeman and he commented: “He is crazy”, and inspector, that known same historical data, continued others questions: “When are you king of Sparta?” and arrested: “From 490 to 480, and my father was  Anassandrida”, and inspector: “Do you have fought at Thermopiles, and you are died there”, and Leonidas: “I am here and don’t seem myself died”, and inspector: “Can you tell history of fight of Thermopiles”, and Leonidas: “Yes, I can. Magistia seer told that we are going to die after, and I have sent back very much men, and I have made it because I seen to their eyes very fear; but I have kept warriors of Taspia; Persians came forward and we came versus to us, and we came for a wide gorge, and Persians came versus and very much men and warriors died, and two brothers of Xerxes died”, then he got up and opened the door, and inspector asked: “Where are you going”, and Leonidas: “To future, instead you are in the past”, Leonidas got out from district, and inspector followed him, but when he was out door, he seen an army with swords and shields, he seen them and asked: “Where am I? And a soldier approached to him answered: “Thermopylae, and we want you order Leonidas”.

Alessandro Lusana     




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