origin of Feuerbach
The think of Feuerbach
above all about religion and his human atheism, he replaces theologian with
anthropology, because he thinks that man has created God; this think is mere
atheism but his origin is directly from Hegel and from German Protestantism; Hegel
was protestant therefore believer, but Feuerbach employed some thesis of Hegel
and he translated in his think: when Feuerbach spokes about difference between
man and animal, he describes man as a being that has he and other, this is his
essence and other man that is similar therefore he can speaks to himself
because he is he and other person, that has same essence. The religion is
identified by Feuerbach with consciousness and self-knowledge, this is consciousness
of his essence; in conformity to opinion of Hegel self-knowledge is possibility
to man of knowledge other man. As for object, natural object, in conformity of
opinion of Hegel we have one first step with direct and sensitive knowledge, an
external knowledge and follows other level of knowledge this is properties that
the mind mediates between one object and much properties, this process is self-knowledge;
in Essence of Christianism Feuerbach spikes same things: “As for object the man
become conscious of himself, conscience of object becomes self-knowledge of man;
in himself shows his essence. Therefore
we can think and consider that Feuerbach has red and red again Phenomenology of
spirit of Hegel; but he has also took from German Protestantism, that has
become human or better much human religion; in fact he spikes about
Protestantism as religion that has become man as God, and human gender as laic.
Alessandro Lusana
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