Trial to logic
A court with some woman set in a ring, and other woman with a black tunic to centre, she was accused. A woman with white cloth begun to speak toward to centre and: “You are accused by me and other qualities of mankind, this is fantasy, weakness and feel and other”, and other woman: “You are accused because you are very cold, you haven’t feel and you work alone with aseptic action, and justify all because it is rational, but there is also irrational, do you know it?”, woman to centre, this is logic, smiled and: “All you are my daughters!”, and feel asked with astonish: “I would be your daughter?”, and logic: “Yes, you are feel because there is not feel, aseptic; but this aseptic I can understand it because you are my contrary, I am certainly aseptic, I haven’t feel, and this is motive I can recognize feel because I haven’t”, and feel: “Why?”, logic therefore: “Because it is very strange to me, and I understand it because I am rational, and I can see all alone with rational think, instead you see only irrationally, and you let yourself everything, because feel lets it, but irrationalness lets all provided it satisfy, or no?”, and feel: “I also have some border”, and logic: “Yes, but your border are morality”, and feel: “Yes also morality”, and logic: “Morality is irrational!”, and weakness: “What? Morality is irrational? This is impressive!”, and logic: “Yes, and your judgement is reproof that I am right”, and weakness: “Why?”, and logic: “You can’t think rationally, because you are weakness, therefore I will think instead of you, it is sufficient: you are very bound to morality, because morality is the behaviour of mediocre persons, as honesty, in conformity with opinion of Balzac, morality is a schematic protocol that is used for to be accepted, and for to show himself as common and following the crowd; then the logic is necessary for to say “why, I follow the crowd? May because I am crowd? No! Because somebody has ordered it? No! Therefore because I follow crowd?”, this question I can answered because I haven’t feel, and I haven’t fear for my wit, because I don’t recognize my wit for judgement, and you instead judge for your feel, that is irrational, and it is also dangerous, because you can consider much thing right or not only for your wit, and morality is right, to you?”, and weakness: “Yes, because this gives order” and logic: “What is order?”, and feel: “It is rule for to live”, and logic: “Rationally? No! Because if tomorrow morality says that crime is moral, you let it?”, and feel: “No”, and logic: “You say it only because morality refuses it, no certainly for logic”, because in crime is logic, a distorted logic, but it is, and logic can punishes crime because for to earn is job and not only thief, therefore you violet the logic not only law, instead if this can happy you it is legitimate, this difference is important for to understand that the logic is necessary as irrationality, because this word would be very boring only with rationality, but it isn’t not would be present with only feel, therefore the feel, weakness and other are break of logic”, and women looked one other and: “How have you understood it?”, and logic: “whereas she was getting up: “Simple because I am logic, and you no, therefore you are my break, but also you have a logic, your logic that is very different, therefore all is logic, because you are logic and I am logic, but morality and human behaviour press us to distinguish between aseptic logic and feeling logic, but we are only logic”, she turned and gone away.
Alessandro Lusana                                           


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