Continuos Renaissance
I know perfectly that Renaissance is about art history from 15th
century to second half of 16th century, and after the style of three
principal arts has changed; but I want remark that the Renaissance, that is
when man found herself is a very easy interpretation, this is trivial, because
we can speak about the social class that has become important, differently from
Middle age men were set to classes and Renaissance set men through method but
now man is considered to his possibility and capacities, now this spirit of age
is evident, now is manifest, and we can understand this opinion from threats
that are written by artists. These social class is very humble and poor, Giotto
and Arnolfo di Cambio and Nicola Pisano, painter and sculptors didn’t write a
threat during Middle age, because certainly economic support wasn’t sufficient
for this experience, but Cennino Cennini, Florentine painter at 14th
and 15th wrote about 1390 and 1437 his threat about painting art.
This is possible because painting has took importance, because economic support
was very relevant because markets were very rich, and much families wanted
their chapels, then painters were important, and now painter is relevant; but
it is alone start this is the painter is important from glamour of families,
but his social class is inferior and very modest; but during 16th
century, through Lives of Giorgio Vasari, we can understand how much artist has
become important; in fact during a dinner in residence of cardinal Alessandro Farnese(1520-1589),
Paolo Giovio(1483-1552) an Italian monsignor proposed idea for the Lives
because, written Vasari: “While we speak about a thing and other, as we make
thinking monsignor Giovio said that he wanted set among his Elogia, this is
Virorum bellica virtute illustrium and Virorum literis illustrium… a threat that
has told about artist men for drawing art from Cimabue until to our day…”. It
is very important step, because it is
manifest interest to a social class become very important, because next to men
of arms and men of literature, now artist are considered regardless of class,
but alone for their capacities in art, and this is possible both because art is
important and man is important, we must consider that no every men are now
important because they are artist, but this desire of Paolo Giovio is indicative
for a spirit and opinion that now rewards other qualities. If we consider that
opinion we can think that who not were considered because member of social
class very low, as artists, now is important; Raphael Sanzio(1483-1520) was
buried in Pantheon and Michelangelo(1475-1564) now buried in Santa Croce, but
he was buried in roman church of Saint Apostles in Rome, his body was kidnapped
by Florentine team and it was brought to Florence to prestige of his importance
would give to city, but Michelangelo was a people man, but his qualities were
admired everywhere, then his importance was very important for glamour of city,
but he was always an artist; then we can remark that individual qualities, as
Roman empire, were important. A digression after hint to Roman empire; in
ancient Rome neither race, origin or class, but everybody can become important
because he has qualities, and during Roman empire this is important no
certainly class. Now we consider personal qualities and no certainly class, but
Renaissance is ended, certainly but humankind is present.
Alessandro Lusana
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