Semiotic and criticism: a pleonasm

It is very easy because every day we, unconsciously, make this exercise, this is we criticize events, or cloth, or behavior, or other that we see; this is a form, that we call criticism is semiotic, this is study of sign that gives some suggestions or precise indications, as in airport indications verbal or written are signs that we follow for an aim, because we recognize some form that we have known and for our culture and preferences we prefer this instead of anything else; this is semiotic because we recognize some sign that is familiar; then we can think the critic as semiotic, because when we read a romance, journal or other we interpret something and we give our explication, rational or no, but it is our and it is possible for our acknowledges and our think; then the criticism is same process, we have signs from a romance and we can consider, critically, some narration, and we can understand and think about something who is author, what is his think, his ideology, style and other, this is possible from a sign or much signs as the writes, because we must understand contest and history, and as in airport we must consider when, contest historical of author, history, and style too. We use this method for everything and we are criticizing something, this is semiotic and criticism this is a pleonasm, because we criticize and then adopted semiotic, this is evident but it is very difficult to find.

Alessandro Lusana


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