Two Frenches consecutive

Although second for time I consider first Anatole France, this is Jacques François Anatole Thibault(1844-1924) as first example of follower of Honoré de Balzac(1799-1850); Anatole catches from Balzac his accurate description around episode and discourses very marginal, and with some  very partial interest, the reader is, may, caught for some moment, but after all disappears for some description very useless around some behaviour that hasn’t importance for romance, this is The red lily; we can consider alone that clear influence of Balzac, I think from Le Père Goriot(1834), is evident, it is sufficient to read romance of Balzac  and all this comment going to find confirmation; all is built around to scenes of real life, but real life of high middle class, as this step: “…the lady Garain, whit the chin bowed, sloped in the peace  of her housewife soul, and she has though to her garden on the hillock of Senna river, when gone musicians for to great hers…”, some lines before argument was the shooting of seventh thousand men; a boring life, certainly, very real life at Belle Époque, that Balzac caught with very spirit and he translated to Human comedy; then we can consider this romance as a following of Comedy of Balzac, because characters that we find are too adherent to reality, that boring reality of Balzac, and his charatcters.

Alessandro Lusana       




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